Python programlama dili

FastText in Python

FastText is a popular open-source library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification. Developed by Facebook’s AI Research (FAIR) team, FastText is implemented in C++ and has bindings …

Python programlama dili

What is Word2Vec?

Word2vec is a powerful and widely-used natural language processing (NLP) tool that uses a shallow neural network to learn the underlying relationships between words in a corpus. It was developed …

Python programlama dili

YOLO Image Detection

Image detection is a common task in computer vision, and there are various algorithms and techniques that can be used to achieve it. One of the most popular and effective …

Python programlama dili

Text Classification in Python

Text classification is a common task in natural language processing, which involves assigning a label or class to a given piece of text. This can be useful for a wide …

Python programlama dili

Logistic Regression in Python

Logistic regression is a popular machine learning algorithm that is used for classification tasks. It is a type of regression analysis that is used to predict a binary outcome, such …

Python programlama dili

Dictionary ile Kullanıcı Doğrulama

Sözlükte var olan kullanıcı adı ve şifre bilgilerini doğrulama işlemi.. Veriler isimli sözlükte key kısmında kullanıcı adları, value kısmında ise şifreler tutulmaktadır. Girilen kullanıcı adı sözlükte bulunan key alanında bulunuyorsa …